The Aardvark Blog
False Lights, Tickets for Arcadia Music, Stall bookings for October Brocante
False Lights, Tickets for Arcadia Music, Stall bookings for October Brocante
Many thanks to all who helped make yesterday's book launch for Katy's new novel 'False Lights' such a success. Particular thanks to her editor Rosie de Courcy who made the journey out to the wilds of Herefordshire to be there on the night. Seeing Katy's novel grow from the seed of an idea to the final book published by a major publisher has been a great pleasure and delight. Well done to here and to all at her publishers Head of Zeus for such a beautiful production.
Now that September is well launched we are now thinking forward to October and in particular the wonderful event we are hosting as part of the Arcadia Music Festival. 'Syrinx and Harp' is a two part exploration of different aspects of classical music. In the first half harpist Hugh Webb will be presenting an illustrated history of the harp and harp music. In the second half renowned musicologist Roger Nichols will be giving an illustrated talk ( with slides and musical examples played live by the Arcadia musicians ) on the subject of 'Sense and Sensuality' in French music. Tickets are £10 and are available either from ourselves or from the Assembly Rooms in Leominster. An afternoon not to be missed.
Also up in October is our Brocante/Flea Market which this year falls on Sunday the 22nd of October. If you are thinking about taking a stall we are close to being fully booked so I would urge you to contact us as soon as possible. Stall fees are as ever a very reasonable £10 with an additional £3 if you need us to provide a table. If you need presents for Christmas or that special something I can promise a fantastic range of stalls selling everything from bric a brac to proper antiques. Put the date in your diary and come early to avoid disappointment.
Published by Aardvark Books Ltd on
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