The Aardvark Blog
Long time no blog
Long time no blog
Looking at my blog list I realise that a month has gone by since my last blog posting. Even by Aardvark standards the last month has been an incredible rush ( with five events in four weeks and a full shop and café almost every day). We have had some great successes over the last month and I would like to take the opportunity to give thanks to those who have helped us.
First off thanks to the team who helped out during the Vide Grenier ( which was its usual crazy busy self), and to Glyn Watkins for his help with the Carr Day at the beginning of September. Thank you in particular to Katie, Helena, Rowan and Laura for their fantastic assistance at Ludlow Food Festival and for helping us get ready for Abergavenny Food Festival. You are truly amazing and we could not have got through without you.
Speaking of Ludlow Food Festival thanks are also due to Peter Burden who compared and introduced for us in the Aardvark Festival Bookshop all weekend. A long stint which he brought off with his usual aplomb. Thank you also to Hanna the new festival director for working with us on the festival bookshop idea. Thank you to all the chefs and writers who have worked with us on books and signings at Ludlow and Abergavenny. Yesterday at Abergavenny was wonderful and thanks to Tim Hayward in particular for being such a super salesperson of other authors books!
Finally thank you to Drusilla Cole for putting together such a fantastic H.Art show for us. Our show is open for another week so if you haven't had time to See 'Autumn Medley' there is still time to do so.
So a fantastic summer and early autumn draws to a close and we can now look forward to our winter events ( lots of stalls already booked for our two markets), to new books purchased from the Frankfurt Bookfair and to hot chocolate and a roaring woodburner!
Published by Aardvark Books Ltd on
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