The Aardvark Blog
The Rain it Raineth ,,,
The Rain it Raineth ,,,
The rain it raineth on the just
And also on the unjust fella;
But mainly on the just because
The unjust steals the just’s umbrella. - Charles Bowen
Apologies to the wonderful Aardvark stallholders who turned up only for the heavens to open mid-morning during our brilliant Sale opening/car boot! Thank you also to all the brilliant customers who carried away so many of our £0.50 bargains. But don't forget the sale is open until the 18th of August and new items are being added on a daily basis, so do come back for a second browse.
Now that the summer sale is underway I have been able to return to the massive book backlog and Lucy and I are putting on more than 50 titles each day. There are also huge numbers of 'N' bargains that are finding their way into the shop. These are usually priced slightly less than our usual prices, and include all sorts of interesting items. For instance the Nick Hern Heron books - which are nicely produced in a better faux leather binding - always go in as 'Ns'. The presence of the 'N' next to our patent number in the circle number pricing does sometimes cause confusion; worry not the N merely stands for 'Not on Computer Inventory'. Also the number is not some arcane form of complicated code, it is just the price in pounds. We are, as I always say to people who ask, simple people and codes call for far more intelligence than Arthur Aardvark can muster.
Thank you to the wonderful Aardvark team for getting ready for the sale and for staying so cheerful on the launch day!
Also Aardvark is again assisting the Friends of St James Wigmore with their speaker programme. Make a note in your diary of their next event - 25 July 2024 - Bestselling author Anne O'Brien - "Bringing Medieval Women to Life" . Lots of Anne's recent titles will be available for sale and Anne would be happy to sign your book.
PS Following a lovely event with enthusiastic fhistorical fiction lovers at Wigmore Church, we do now have signed copies of some of Anne O'Brien's historical fiction in the booshop including her new book, "A Court of Betrayal".
Published by Aardvark Books Ltd on (modified )
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