The Aardvark Blog
Only one more Aardvark Event before Christmas!
Only one more Aardvark Event before Christmas!
A really great day yesterday at our Winter Event. Many, many thanks to Trevor, Dane and the band for the music, and to Annie for the sensational Christmas crafts. The weather helped mightily and the sun is also out this morning ( even though it is perishingly cold outside).
Meanwhile I am picking and packing our Christmas online orders and thinking about what this Christmas will bring. This will be our second Christmas in the shop without Edward and our first without Catherine who has moved to Sussex and who sends back regular reports of how things are going ( together with messages for some of the regulars here she got to know over the years). Somethings never change however and the rush to get valuable Christmas presents out of the building on time is a familiar everpresent. However much people are advised to buy early the reality of busy lives is that most of us tend to leave it to the last moment. This year we are not going to be doing any late night evenings, but we will be open 7 days a week until closing on Christmas Eve, so there should be lots of time to pop in.
And so there was one. There is now only one opportunity to experience the wonder of an Aardvark Event before the end of the year. Make a note in your diary for the 6th of December and our fabulous Christmas Fair. For the second year in a row this will be enlivened by the dulcet tones of Mr Dutch Lewis and his trio who will be singing and playing Christmas jazz favourites. And there is free Mulled Wine to Edward's secret recipe. What could be better than that !
Published by Aardvark Books Ltd on
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