The Aardvark Blog
Charity Sale Today, Vide Grenier on Monday
Charity Sale Today, Vide Grenier on Monday
Today is Steve Alford's charity sale in aid of the Air Ambulance at the cottage that he shared with his late wife Jill in Brampton Bryan. My spies tell me that lots of people have already come out to support Steve, so you should head there quickly if you want that special bargain.
On Monday we now have over 30 stalls for our Vide Grenier and the weather forecast is not looking too bad. The Vintage Jazz Revival are confirmed, so there will be some great music to listen to whilst you find that great bargain.
On Thursday I bought a really good parcel of books from a local house, and these have already started to hit the shelves. Plenty of books on travel ( including Cicerone Walking Guides), walking maps for Switzerland, Miilitary History, History and much more. I have also had another group of DVDs come into stock and yet more art books, so the shelves are looking pretty full and could do with some thinning before the autumn buying starts to arrive.
I ran out of room in the Folio section so stopped putting more Folio titles into stock, but now having sold lots of Folios over the last fortnight I will be putting on the last group of books from my big buy in the Spring. I really love Folio books, and judging by how well they sell, so do our customers!
Finally don't forget that Aardvark's triple H.Art exhibition will be opening on the 10th of September. Lots of arts and crafts for every-one to enjoy.
Published by Aardvark Books Ltd on
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