The Aardvark Blog
Website, Brocante etc
Website, Brocante etc
Spente a crazy day on Friday working on the website and getting ready for our Brocante on Sunday. Progress on the website is steady, but it is still taking far longer than i could ever have believed. One problem has been getting reliable categories on the site and making sure that books land up in the right place.
I think we have finally cracked this and i have been spending a happy few hours this afternoon setting up sub-categories on the site. Now all that is left is to work through each category and check that every book is in the right place. No small task with some 50,000 books on the system.
I have also spend the last couple of days getting ready for Sunday's flea market event. Over half the stalls are now set up and the warehouse is full of some really wonderful bric a brac and crafts. Tomorrow the outside stalls set up, so fingers crossed that the weather will be kind to us in the morning.
Wer are still working through the Frankfurt books we brought back and are now about half way through. It seems like it will take for ever, as we also have a back log of books that i bought just before we went to Germany. Still our Art and design section is looking fantastic and we the new books have been selling well through the shop and through abebooks. Still I really can't wait to be able to list our books on our own website.
Published by Aardvark Books Ltd on
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