The Aardvark Blog
Aardvark Connection through Courtyard Antiques
Aardvark Connection through Courtyard Antiques
Popped in to Courtyard Antiques in Presteigne on my way distributing publicity for the Vide Grenier on Monday and our forthcoming textile show in September. Courtyard antiques is a superb shop with a wonderful range of ceramics, furniture and curiosities.
Whilst there Andy gave me a present of a postcard which he had picked up at an an antique fair in the West Country. The card dates from 1918 and is of two aardvarks which it describes as being 'peculiar' animals with 'strong fore-paws' and 'marvellous quickness'. Not sure whether this applies to Arthur and Ethel.
The other side has a most peculiar message from October 1918 which I will quote:
'On the other side is portrayed an animal whom very few people see. They are very powerful diggers, and are possessed with a very long tongue for licking up ants. Sounds like ladies - what.'
Published by Aardvark Books Ltd on
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