The Aardvark Blog
Last weekend of sale - but don't despair
Last weekend of sale - but don't despair
It is the last weekend of the Aardvark sale, but don't despair because we are going to keep open our £0.50 special book tent for another week or so (it was simply too cold to go into the tent last weekend). Many, many bargains in the tent with children's books at an even cheaper £0.20! Quite a lot have already gone out this morning, but lots left.
On another topic, preparations are bounding ahead for our weekend of activities at Easter.
A fantastic exhibition featuring works by Aardvark's own Holly Brookes and Garry Jones whose extraordinary creatures have transformed the village, and an Easter garden event with Kim and Rob from the cottage herbery. What could be more gardenlicious!
Meanwhile before then we have our Valentine's mini-market on the 14th of February. This morning we have had confirmation of the return of the amazing Sarah Rogers chocolates (a highlight of Valentine's events of past years). My taste buds are already starting to salivate.
And our new brochure is out listing events for 2016 (and once again there are lots to choose from). So altogether lots to look forward to this year (and the sun is even shining this afternoon).
Published by Aardvark Books Ltd on
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