The Aardvark Blog
Bookshop Podcast Aardvark Edition, Folio Society, Looking towards the booksale
Bookshop Podcast Aardvark Edition, Folio Society, Looking towards the booksale
At the end of April I recorded an episode of the Bookshop Podcast (to hear my episode click here ), and then promptly forgot about it - as one does. Last Sunday I got an email to say it was going live on Monday and I desperately had to remember how indiscreet I had been (always an Aardvark fault). In the end, having listened to it myself for the first time I think I just about got away with it - although Edward would not have liked me saying he was disorganised! Thank you for the nice comments from those who have heard it and got in touch.
I have been knee deep in Folio Society books for the last week, having picked up a goodly haul from a house outside Hereford. A number of titles that I have not had before, and a few of the Society's fabled 'Specials'. One of these was bought by a delighted customer yesterday - Voltaire's Candide bound in goatskin - but there will still be many prime examples of the bookbinders art hitting the shelves over the next week. The origins of the Folio Society lie both in the extraordinarily inventive period of publishing after the Second World War, and in the earlier tradition of Private Presses which had begun after the war with William Morris's Kelmscott press, and Ricketts Vine Press and other presses such as the Doves and the Ashenden. In a few years time it will be celebrating its 80th anniversary - a remarkable achievement for any publishing house, but particularly for one that has been so uncompromising in the quality of its productions.
Finally together with Andy Bainbridge I have been getting ready for the Aardvark super sale that starts on Sunday the 7th of July. This will be by far the biggest sale we have ever done - the warehouse has been somewhat groaning with the amount of stock - and in addition to the 50 pence bargains in the barn there will also be a table with £1 and £2 bargains in the shop. And on the first day of the sale there will be an extra 10% off everything in the shop (including cards and wrapping). Plus we will have some brilliant live music from Nick Hurt and Mal Salisbury of Blue Moon, and stalls outside too. A fantastic summer treat for anyone.
Published by Aardvark Books Ltd on (modified )
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