The Aardvark Blog
Jobs at Aardvark Books; H.Art, Autumn programme
Jobs at Aardvark Books; H.Art, Autumn programme
Firstly we have just posted the job description for a job at Aardvark onto the website (see Jobs on top line of the site), and we would be awfully grateful if you could spread the word to any-one who would like to work in a bookshop (or Aardvark in particular).
After what was in truth a more than crazy week last week (reaching an apogee with Ludlow Food Fair and the opening of our Herefordshire Art Week Exhibition on Saturday 10th September), this week has seemed a little more normal. I even got to take a second day off, and we used it to visit Oxford (where we looked again at the wonders available at the Ashmolean and had lunch on their roof terrace restaurant. Wandering round Oxford (I had originally written wondering around Oxford, which would also be true), is one of the most fantastic experiences imaginable. And so much literary history.
Meanwhile all week we have had between 40 and 70 visitors each day through our H.Art exhibition, with some very positive comments, and some pleasing sales. Footfall so far seems a little down on the last few years, but strangely sales seem to be somewhat higher. Go figure as they say Stateside.
Other changes at Aardvark are a different newspaper. I have found myself wearying of the Telegraph for some time, and have now swapped to a mixture of The Times and The Guardian. With so much news online, a paper has to justify its existence, and I think that both The Times and The Guardian have stronger content at the moment.
Lots of newly purchased books are coming into the shop (some great new kids books both text and illustrated), lots of biogrpahy, military and art (particularly decorative arts).
I have also confirmed everything for our annual Frankfurt visit, and there will be books from some new publishers as soon as we get back.
We have a fascinating talk as part of the Arcadia Music at Aardvark on the 1st of October, a Brocante on the 9th of October and much more great stuff happening here between now and the end of the year.
2016 has been something of a vintage year for Aardvark, and we are now starting to plan 2017 which looks like it could be even better. So looking forward to the re-enactment in August. If you would like to exhibit at Aardvark next year now is the time to let us know.
Published by Aardvark Books Ltd on
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