The Aardvark Blog
Food Fairs and yet more books
Food Fairs and yet more books
Edward Aardvark has just left in a truck filled with books to go to the wonderful Narberth Food Fair. This year fair President Elizabeth Luard will be doing a demonstration, so he has plenty of her books on board.
Meanwhile back in the bookshop a quietish morning has meant that we have been able to get on processing and putting a way some of the thousands of books we have bought this week. Pressure is on to get everything done and dusted before we get back from Frankfurt with another 4 or 5 thousand books. Meanwhile we have now got our online merchant account, so the online bookshop start date is almost upon us.
Final weekend of our wonderful textile show this weekend, so should you find yourself in the Marches this weekend come in and see it.
Published by Aardvark Books Ltd on
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