The Aardvark Blog
Art Opening - Summer Sextet, Scarecrow Sunday, Radio Fame, Pop-Ups, lots and lots of books
Art Opening - Summer Sextet, Scarecrow Sunday, Radio Fame, Pop-Ups, lots and lots of books
It's a busy weekend in prospect here at Aardvark. First up we have the opening of our new art exhibition 'Summer Sextet' that has been curated by Rob Fountain and features paintings, sculptures, ceramics and multi-media art. The exhibition opens at 11am this morning, and then runs until Sunday 19th of August.
Then tomorrow we have Scarecrow Sunday across the whole of the great village of Brampton Bryan. We have been working this week on our Scarecrow and he is looking pretty fantastic. Django Aardvark will be playing his music of sweet love outside the Bookery all day. Don't forget tomorrow is also the only day of the year that it is possible to be shown round Brampton Bryan Castle. Not to be missed.
Thank you again to Radio Shropshire for allowing me on during most people's morning tea break to talk about Cafés and lots of other stuff. Local radio is vital to most communities in Britain and I think we are very lucky in this area to have a great and varied station broadcasting in Shropshire.
I am still working my way through the immense pile of pop-ups that i bought earlier this week and they are starting to sell like hot cakes both in the shop and online. Don't miss out on a work of genius paper engineering. There are still well over 400 pop-ups at all sizes and prices.
Finally I should add that over the next few weeks we are set to buy a tremendous number of titles from art and architecture books, to garden design, to quote 'recondite Jacobite literature', to comics and graphic novels and much more besides. I have never known a time when we are being offered so many fantastic books. Some of these will be featured in forthcoming episodes of our new video series 'Meetings with Remarkable Books', but there are just too many to feature all of them. The shop is open 7 days a week and many items are now on our website, so there is truly no excuse.
Published by Aardvark Books Ltd on
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