The Aardvark Blog
Speeding into 2019
Speeding into 2019
I can't believe that it seems only seconds since we were opening presents and drinking mulled wine and already we are nearly 2/3rd of the way through January. The beginning of the year is always a strange time in Aardvarkland (or as I like to call it, Aardvarkia). Whilst from the point of view of customers and sales we are at our lowest time of the year, we are actually very busy sorting out all the things that you need to do to get the year underway.
So last week we finished the copy for our new brochure (which also meant finalising our events programme for the year), we worked on our first emailing of the year - now that we know what we are doing - we took bookings for future events, we worked on the specification for our new website (yes, finally it is coming), and also found time to do not one, but three house clearances. I confess that my head is somewhat spinning and any thoughts of it being a 'quiet time' should be banished.
I am really excited by the prospects for our new website. This is something that we have wanted to do for a long time, but there simply hasn't been enough time to do it. One of the changes will be to really emphasise our events and exhibition programme. It will be possible to buy tickets for our events online, and indeed to purchase artworks without coming to one of our exhibitions. This year's cultural programme is the most varied and exciting that we have ever attempted, and we are so grateful to all our partners who are working hard to make it come to fruition.
The first event of the year will be the Spring Music event with Aardvark fan favourite guitarist Gareth Rees-Roberts. Gareth will be featuring Latin music (both South American and Spanish), no doubt in expectation that we will all need reminding by that point what sunny skies look like.
Published by Aardvark Books Ltd on
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