The Aardvark Blog
History Weekend; H.Art preparations
History Weekend; H.Art preparations
Opening morning of the HISTORY WEKEND and people are starting to gather for the first talk by Terry Wardle on England's First Castle. After some heavy rain overnight, the heavens have cleared and the roads are fine ( due t o the last few months dry weather the fields have easily absorbed the extra water).
We have a delicious home-made soup for today ( carrot and parsnip), and an even larger than usual display of fabulous cakes. Even if you don't like history therefore it is well worth coming in to see us today. And who cannot but be interested in history when we live in such an interesting and historic part of the world. Later we have an update on the MORTIMER CROSS BATTLE PROJECT with exciting news of finds and new theories about the battle that helped to change the fate of Englsh history.
But our heads are not just stuck in the past . We are also thinking about Bank Holiday Monday's Vide Grenier for which we have a record number of stall bookings, and beyond that to Herefordshire Art Week, at which we will be showing three different shows of work. Lots more to come at Aardvark this year!
Published by Aardvark Books Ltd on
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