The Aardvark Blog
Second blog of the year, plans for 2023, Reta Cowley etc
Second blog of the year, plans for 2023, Reta Cowley etc
In my mind I always think that January is a good month to get things done, but somehow it never works out like that. This year we have had torrential rain and floods, snow, unseasonably warm weather and pretty much everything else besides. I have also completed not one, but two house clearances and we are as ever struggling to cope with the impressive wave of books heading into the shop.
Then, also due to changes in the village we are waiting to get confirmation on our events programme for 2023. Our intention is to run an incredible 7 markets this year (at least two more than usual), giving everyone even more chances to find that perfect bargain. We have taken a lot of calls from prospective stallholders and I would urge anyone who is wanting to book to sign up to our email newsletter here (or if you are visiting, in the shop) since as soon as we have the dates confirmed we will be sending out an events email, - and posting the first few dates on our events page
In addition to markets we have a number of interesting events planned for this year (including another poetry/writing event with Anna Dreda), so rest assured! Brampton Bryan will be as interesting as ever. In this regard I should add that the Brampton Bryan makers group are looking to be very active this year and there will be special events from them also.
One event I can confirm is our Easter Event on Easter Saturday, 8th of April. We are having our usual mix of stalls, plants - courtesy of the amazing Cottage Herbery - and live music (to be announced). Also I recently bought some fantastic watercolours at auction which I am hoping to show for that weekend. Painted by a Canadian artist Reta Cowley whose bio you can read here, the paintings are all large watercolours painted during the riotous short Saskatchewan summers during the 1970s and 1980s. Cowley was a mainstay of the western Canadian art scene and I have taken the time to read some of the many published accounts of her life and work. There is a special quality about the summers in countries and places that have very savage winters. You can see what I mean in some of the films of Ingmar Bergman such as 'Summer Interlude' or 'Smiles on a Summer Night'. Cowley really only painted one area North of her home town of Saskatoon and she reminds me a lot of Alfred Sisley who painted numerous pictures in and around Moret-sur-Loing just outside Paris in the Ile de France. I hope you will agree with me that they are exceptional works.
We are also looking to fix up a return concert by Gareth Rees-Roberts who has spent the last few years perfecting a new repertoire of Brazilian music. I know that many Aardvark regulars still talk about his excellent performance of Argentine music which particularly featured the music of Atahualpa Yupanqui. Writing this on a day when it is hardly set to go above freezing - hence the Aardvark giant woodburner has been roaring since 8.45am - there is something very appealing in the thought of sun-drenched guitar melodies. Date to be confirmed.
Notwithstanding the various issues that the inclement weather causes to travel in the Marches, January and February are amongst the best months to visit the Bookery, as it is rarely crowded and we have the time to really talk to customers and find out what they are looking for. I look forward to welcoming you soon and to all the great things that we are set to do in 2023.
Published by Aardvark Books Ltd on (modified )
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