The Aardvark Blog
Aardvark is Cyclist heaven, Solstice Exhibition, Changes to Jazz Brunch line up
Aardvark is Cyclist heaven, Solstice Exhibition, Changes to Jazz Brunch line up
If you visit Aardvark from this week onwards you will see we now have cycle racks proudly attached to the barn wall. Needless to say most cyclists have ignored these preferring to put their bikes against the wall ( its something to do with the tyres apparently), but at least we hope that our cyclist friends will see the racks and the accompanying sign as a symbol of how much we value them and enjoy seeing them on the premises.
But off course it is not just cyclists. Last week I had a booking for large group of motorcyclists who want to come here next Spring, and we also regularly see vintage car enthusiasts, and much more besides.
A very busy week last week as the Aardvarks were preparing for their annual summer manoeuvres and attempting to get everything sorted out before they went. This meant accounting for the Shropshire Hills Art Week Exhibition ( many thanks to Shannon and Andrew for working on this with us), meeting with Chris King to talk about this August's re-enactment ( the weekend of the 12th and 13th - its going to be bigger and better than ever), and talking to Tom Bowes and Eleanor Alberga about this year's wonderful Arcadia festival and the event that they are holding in Aardvark as part of the weekend. We are so pleased to be able to welcome to Aardvark Roger Nichols the acclaimed expert on French music who will be talking about some of the pieces that are being played in this year's festival ( which has a decided French flavour). Full details will be on the website shortly and tickets ( which will be restricted for numbers) will go on sale at the beginning of August. Book soon to avoid disappointment as Roger will not only be talking but will be able to call on a panoply of musicians to make his points.
Also on the agenda for this week was the hanging and opening of 'The Solstice' a group exhibition that contains works by the Solstice painters who are based in Montgomery ( although their members come from further afield). Group shows always present challenges to put together, and I am very grateful to Kathy and her group for putting the whole process of hanging the show such a joy. There may have been the odd piece of foul language as a hammer went astray, but there was also an incredible amount of laughter. Come and see the show which is on until next Sunday.
Finally we have a change to our line up for the Jazz Brunch on Saturday the 15th of June. Brian Lammas has lost part of his rhythm section so can't do the gig ( we will be asking him back later in the year as we love the mellow sound that Brian produces. In his place we have a first visit to the bookshop by the four piece 'Ludlow Jazz Collective' who have been playing in different venues locally including at the Cliff Hotel in Ludlow. We are always happy to welcome new musicians to Aardvark, and as Anna Dreda esteemed owner of Wenlock Books put on her Facebook entry, what a better way to start the weekend.
Published by Aardvark Books Ltd on
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