The Aardvark Blog
Busy Sunday, Wenlock Books Christmas Tree
Busy Sunday, Wenlock Books Christmas Tree
Sunday's have always been feast or famine days - either one is on one's own for large chunks of the day, or one is rushed off one's feet. I am glad to say that today has been the latter, with a good stream of customers through all day - many of them heading to the BookBurrow for stocking fillers and other presents.
Meanwhile between serving customers I have been processing some of the books we bought last week from the library of an academic who is moving house. Some very nice specialist politics and history titles, together with an eclectic group of poetry, children's books, popular fiction ( particularly detective stories Donna Leon et al ), and other bits and pieces.
Meanwhile Anna Dreda from Wenlock Books came in to pick up some books with which to construct her Book Christmas tree for her window. We had selected a large pile with which she filled her car. The display is part of her ongoing efforts to raise money for a small school in Africa in Guinea, so if you are passing do go in and see it.
Next week will be spent getting ready for Saturday's Winter Event amongst other things. Truly there is no rest for the wicked.
Published by Aardvark Books Ltd on
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