The Aardvark Blog
Books, Music and Art: The answer to all life's problems
Books, Music and Art: The answer to all life's problems
With politics continuing to keep every-one ( not just in Britain) somewhat light-headed at the moment as a result of the sheer pace of events, it is perhaps worth revisiting an old saw of the Aardvark emporium - that at time's of stress or difficulty there is no better relief to be had than through total emersion in books, art and music.
Fortunately at the moment visitors to Aardvark ( of whom there have been a surprisingly large number over the last 48 hours), have the opportunity of exposing themselves to all three. One of the most successful Shropshire Hills Art Week shows that we have put on is in our barn art-space and will be on until the 18th. A fantastic range of art from no fewer than 15 artists and crafts people.
Then I have been working on putting on the music books and CDs that I bought last week, and have also made a start on working through the piles of sheet music and scores. Then there are also a lot of new children's books, art books and fashion/design books. Overall I cannot remember a time when we have purchased such a wide range of new material.
So the message is do not delay. Only this morning I had a customer visit us who had looked at our web-site and popped in this morning, only for me to tell him that the book had sold last night online! Somewhere in our vast stocks is the exact book, CD or picture to delight you, and it would be irresponsible if you did not come in this instant to acquaint yourself with its restorative properties.
Attached is a photograph showing a small part of this year's SHAW exibition.
Published by Aardvark Books Ltd on
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