The Aardvark Blog
2015 awaits
2015 awaits
Have come into the shop for a few hours to sort out a few things before the year end. This year has been quieter between Christmas and New Year, but then again the period in December before Christmas was much busier. Overall we are going to be over 10% up in the shop this month, and over 5% up for the shop for the year. A very pleasing performance.
But what will 2015 bring. Already there have been some surprises. Our Welsh language group have now outgrown us and are moving on to pastures new. Several people have contacted me over Christmas offering us books, so there are already appointments in the diary. The exhibition programme is moving on apace and I have artists coming to see me next week. Also this morning Christopher King from the English Civil War Society is coming in to talk to us about next August's re-enactment. Truly it feels that we are launched into next year already, yet we have not yet seen out 2014.
I feel very excited about everything that we are planning for next year, and can't wait to get underway. The first few months of the year are our quietest, yet strangely they are often the nicest time to visit the bookshop. The pace of life is not so frenetic, and the staff and myself are often more able to offer advice or seek answers to queries. This frosty weather also makes the whole village setting of Brampton Bryan look very beautiful. This truly is a wonderful place to live and work, and I know that many of our visitors can't wait to come back here.
So whatever you are planning or expecting for 2015 I hope that your wishes will be fulfilled. And as Dickens once wrote, honour Christmas in your heart, and try to keep it all the year.
Published by Aardvark Books Ltd on
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