Paul (Ecclesia books)
Gunther Bornkamm
First Epistle to the Corinthians (Black's New Testament Commentaries)
C.K. Barrett
First and Second Peter: A Self-Study Guide (Bible Self Study Guides)
Jensen, Irving L.
Bible Lives
Magonet, Jonathan
Elusions of Control: Biblical Law on the Words of Women (Society of Biblical Literature…
Havea, Jione
I Samuel: A Literary Reading (Indiana Studies in Biblical Literature)
Miscall, Peter D.
Winding Quest: Heart of the Old Testament in Plain English
Alan T. Dale
New Testament Introduction
Guthrie, Donald
The Message of Philippians: Jesus Our Joy (The Bible Speaks Today)
The Epistle to the Galatians (Epworth Commentary S.)
Ziesler, J. A.
Paul and the Mosaic Law
Galatians: Interpretation: A Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching
Cousar, Charles B.
New Testament: Luke Vol 3 (Comunicators's commentry)
Larson, Bruce
Interpreted by Love: Expositions of 40 Great Old Testament Passages
1 and 2 Thessalonians - the Coming
Greenslade, Philip
Old Testament: Numbers Vol. 4 (Comunicators's commentry)
James, Philip
The Prophets: The Assyrian Period v. 1
Mark: A Greek-English Diglot for the use of Translators
New Gospel Parallels: v. 2
Funk, Robert W.
Hebrews: A Digest of Reformed Comment (New Testament Commentaries)
Wilson, Geoffrey B.
Epistle Of John & Jude- Jensen Bible Self Study Guide: A Self-Study Guide (Bible…
Irving L.,Jensen
The Collegeville Concise Glossary of Biblical Terms
One Minute Bible
Windows on Matthew
Dale, Ronald W.