The Midrash Pesher of Habakkuk (Monograph Series - Society of Biblical Literature…
Brownlee, William Hugh
The Damascus Covenant: An Interpretation of the "Damascus Document": 25 (JSOT supplement…
Davies, Philip R.
God's Parable
Borsch, Frederick H.
Within Context: Essays on Jews and Judaism in the New Testament (Michael Glazier…
Records of the Life of Jesus/Book I: The Record of Mt-Mk-Lk/Book II : The Record…
Sherman, Henry Burton
Introducing the Old Testament (Oxford Bible)
R.J. Coggins
Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers with Excursus on Feasts/Ritual and Typology: 3 (Old Testament…
Burns, Rita J.
The Unique and Universal Christ: Jesus in a Plural World
Nazir-Ali, Michael
Paul's Letters from Prison: Philipians, Colossians, Philemon And Ephesians
Ears to Hear: Introduction to the First Five Books of the Bible
Green, Winifred
The Collegeville Concise Glossary of Biblical Terms
Revelation (New Testament Commentaries)
1 and 2 Thessalonians (Tyndale New Testament Commentaries)
Morris, Leon
John: Evangelist and Interpreter
Smalley, Stephen S.
Inspired Speech: Prophecy In The Ancient Near East Essays In Honor Of Herbert B. …
ISG 13: Guide to the Book of Exodus, A (International Study Guides)
Dobson, J.H.
The Open Door
Theissen, Gerd
Unity and Diversity in the New Testament: Enquiry into the Character of Earliest…
Dunn, James D. G.
Gospels, The: A First Commentary
The Message of Jonah: Presence in the Storm (Bible Speaks Today)
Nixon, Rosemary
Introduction to the Historical Books: Strategies for Reading
McKenzie, Steven L.
Paul (Ecclesia books)
Gunther Bornkamm
Discovering Acts (Crossway Bible Guides)
Gaukroger, Stephen