History of the Police in England and Wales, 900-1966
Critchley, T. A.
Business Hours:
Tues - Fri:
10:00am - 4:00pm
10:00am - 4:00pm
10:00am - 4:00pm
Critchley, T. A.
Edited By Hubert Hall
Montesquieu, Charles de Secondat
Wise, Steven M.
£12.99 £3.30
Dana Denis-Smith
£12.95 £5.69
Aernoud Bourdrez
£11.95 £10.19
Office of the Federal Register (U S )
£43.00 £36.63
£1.50 £17.20
Mia Korpiola
£110.38 £97.20
Virgo, Graham
£36.99 £4.26
Office of the Federal Register (U S )
£48.00 £38.27
Harris, D.J.
£30.00 £4.26
De Burca, Grainne,Craig, P.P.
£25.00 £17.20
Zander, Michael
Institute of Race Relations
£4.00 £2.79
Office of the Federal Register (U S )
£50.00 £39.75
Office Of The Federal Register (U.S.)
£54.00 £42.61
E. Neville Williams
£33.00 £9.24
Clark, Charles
£42.50 £17.20
Peter Archer
Mitford, Jessica
£4.50 £9.90
Furse, Mark
£207.50 £40.00
Birks, Michael
Jackson, Lord Justice