The Fabric of geology. Prepared under the direction of a Committee of the Geological…
Claude Carroll Albritton
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Claude Carroll Albritton
£85.00 £195.00
Lake, P.,Rastall, R.H.
£3.50 £5.45
Foreword by Darcy Bussell,Foreword by Li Cunxin,Introduction by Gerald Dowler
£35.00 £22.20
B. C. Worssam,J. H. Taylor
£10.00 £4.63
Tyrrell, G.W.
£4.50 £2.30
Cook, Neville George Wood,Jaeger, John Conrad
£3.65 £35.00
Dury, G.H.
£1.75 £3.30
£35.00 £3.30
Pereira, Charles
£10.95 £3.02
North, F.J.
J M Hodgson
Krumbein, W. C. & Franklin A. Graybill.
Gregory, K.J.
£12.99 £17.20
British Geological Survey
£5.00 £10.30
Gresswell, R.K.
£8.50 £3.75
Yatsu, Eiju and Allan Falconer
Drewry, David
£13.95 £8.58
British Geological Survey
£5.00 £2.30
Bloom, Arthur L.
£61.99 £17.33
£9.95 £4.70
British Geological Survey
£14.00 £12.45
Hooke, Roger LeB.
£36.99 £24.68
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