Critical Responses to Josiah Royce 1885-1916 (History of American Thought)
Auxier, Randy
The Liturgy of the Hours in East and West
Taft SJ, Robert
Our Only Hope: More Than We Can Ask or Imagine
Adam, Margaret B.
Anabaptist Theology in Face of Postmodernity: A Proposal for the Third Millenium…
Weaver, J. Denny
Te Power of the Poor in History: Selected Writings
Gutierrez, Gustavo
Faith and Reason in St. Thomas Aquinas According to Etienne Gilson: An Introduction…
Wright, Darrell
True God: An Exploration in Spiritual Theology
Leech, Kenneth
The Harpercollins Encyclopedia of Catholicism
The Correspondence of Alexander Goss, Bishop of Liverpool 1856-1872 (Catholic Record…
God's Revolution and Man's Responsibility
Cox, Harvey G.
Jesus, Liberation and the Biblical Jubilee: Images for Ethics and Christology (Overtures…
Ringe, Sharon H.
The literary impact of the Authorised Version: the Ethel M. Wood lecture delivered…
Living No Longer for Ourselves: Liturgy and Justice in the Nineties
On Religion and Memory
Babette Hellemans
Biblical humanism: Eighteen studies
Outside - in: Theological Reflections on Life (Regent's Study Guide)
Weaver, John
Christianity in World Perspective
Primary Sources of Liturgical Theology: A Reader
John Wesley's Pneumatology: Perceptible Inspiration (Ashgate Methodist Studies)
Cunningham, Joseph W.
The Elements of New Testament Greek
Shame: Theory, Therapy, Theology
Hell's Destruction: An Exploration of Christ's Descent to the Dead
Laufer, Catherine Ella
Living for Jesus and Japan
Hiroshi Shibuya