The Touch of Midas: Science, Values and Environment in Islam and the West
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Japan Experiences: Fifty Years, One Hundred
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The Struggle For the Middle East: The Soviet Union And the Middle East 1958-70
Laqueur, Walter
Mutiny on the "Globe"
Hoyt, Edwin P.
Quebec: the revolutionary age, 1760-1791 (The Canadian centenary series)
Chosen People: The big idea that shaped England and America
Longley, Clifford
The Communist Party of the Soviet Union (University Paperbacks)
Schapiro, Leonard
China: Alive in the Bitter Sea (Coronet Books)
Butterfield, Fox
Heart of the Hunter: Customs and Myths of the African Bushman
Van der Post, Laurens
City of Gold: the Biography of Bombay
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The Guanches Survivors and their Decendants
Jose Luis Concepcion
The Tale of the Great Mutiny
The Coming of the Devi: Adivasi Assertion in Western India (Oxford India Paperbacks…
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Palat, Madhavan K.
Western Civilization in a Global Context: Prehistory to the Enlightenment
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1421: The Year China Discovered The World
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Selected Works of Jawaharlal Nehru (1-31 December 1959): Second series, Vol. 55
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Great State: China and the World
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Monarchs, Rulers, Dynasties and Kingdoms of the World
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Empires in Conflict: The History of the 20th Century: 1900-1933: v. 1 (The History…
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