Plants in Garden History: An Illustrated History of Plants and their Influences …
Hobhouse, Penelope
£18.99 £6.30
Business Hours:
Tues - Fri:
10:00am - 4:00pm
10:00am - 4:00pm
10:00am - 4:00pm
Hobhouse, Penelope
£18.99 £6.30
Chesshire, Charles
£4.99 £1.28
Reed, David William
£41.99 £636.96
Kromdijk, G.
Osler, Mirabel
£15.99 £1.28
Buchan, Ursula
£4.95 £1.28
Sanders, T.W
Eliezer Armon
£35.00 £32.20
Kelly Gibney
£22.50 £35.59
Harris, John (compiled by in association with the Victoria & Albert Museum for The Garden Exhibition).
£5.85 £10.30
Mowl, Timothy,Barre, Dianne
£19.95 £8.43
Green, Charlotte
£7.95 £3.30
Harold G. Hillier
£17.99 £15.19
Joyce, David
Wells, George
£1.35 £1.28
Benton, Alison M.
Owen, Jane, Gavin, Diarmuid
£25.00 £17.20
Brooks, Ann
£26.00 £15.70
Pauwels, Wim
£62.50 £70.00
Osler, Mirabel
£10.99 £8.54
Forsythe, Trevor G.
£4.99 £1.28
£2.95 £1.28
Jane Gillette
£16.24 £9.24
Berry, David A.
£55.00 £33.28