Biography, Memoirs, Letters
Gladstone: A Bicentenary Portrait
Gladstone, William
Victoria Wood: The Biography
Neil Brandwood
Diaries (Phoenix Giants)
Clark, Alan
Captain Cook
Collingridge, Vanessa
Pitt the Elder: The Great Commoner - Warleader and Statesman of Empire
Black, Professor Jeremy
Robert Burns: A Life
McIntyre, Ian
The Diaries of Lady Anne Clifford
Clifford, Anne
TheFurrow Behind Me the Autobiography of a Hebridean Crofter by MacLellan, Angus…
Peggy and Me: The heart-warming bestselling tale of Miranda and her beloved dog
Hart, Miranda
'Paddington' Pollaky, Private Detective
Bryan Kesselman
Oscar's Ghost: The Battle for Oscar Wilde's Legacy
Son of Groucho
The Secret Servant: Life of Sir Stewart Menzies, Head of British Intelligence, 1939…
Anthony Cave Brown
Drawn From Life: The Ruskin Diaries, 1949-53
Hurst, Steve
Johann Gutenberg: the inventor of printing
Scholderer, Victor
From Palm to Pine: Rudyard Kipling Abroad and Home
Rupert Brooke: His Life and His Legend
Lehmann, John
A Mad World, My Masters: Tales from a Traveller's Life
Simpson, John
Now We Are Sixty and a Bit
Christopher Matthew
Faithful Witness: The Confidential Diaries of Alan Don, Chaplain to the King, the…
Beaken, The Revd Robert
Letter from America (Penguin Celebrations)
Cooke, Alistair
Flaubert: A Life
Geoffrey Wall